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Web Request Writer


Send the results of the pipeline to a web service.


The Web Request module lets you send requests in two different ways IF the result of your pipeline is an array.

  1. Send the array as a single request. The entire contents of your result will be sent in a single request.
  2. Multiple requests. Each item in your array will have it's own request.

Module Options

Array Handling Mode

Type: enum
Required: True
Default Value: Single Request
Options: Single Request, Multiple Requests
Description: If the result of a pipeline is an array, this controls whether the array is sent as a single request, or one request per item in the array.

Concurrent Request Limit

Type: integer
Required: True
Default Value: 5
Minumum: 1
Maximum: 20
Description: Set how many maximum requests can be sent at a time. This is only used when a pipeline result is an array AND Array Handling Mode is set to Multiple Requests.

Error Event Name

Type: eventName
Required: False
Description: The name of the event to publish on a failed web request. The event will also include the Request ID Field.


Type: string[]
Required: True
Default Value: Content-Type: application/json
Description: The headers to include with the request. These should be written as Key: Value on each line.


Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Authorization: Bearer JWT

Allow invalid certificates

Type: boolean
Required: True
Default Value: false
Description: Whether to allow invalid certificates for HTTPS requests. This should only be used if the URL you are hitting is a trusted resource, ideally one under your organization's control.

HTTP Method

Type: enum
Required: True
Default Value: POST
Description: The HTTP Method to use for the request.

Request ID Field

Type: string
Required: False
Description: The field in your request body that identifies a request. Useful if you are sending an array of items and need to publish an event for each request.

If your request body looks like this:

"id": 1

You could set this to

"test": {
"id": 1

In this scenario, you would set it to

Success Event Name

Type: eventName
Required: False
Description: The name of the event to publish on a succesful web request. The event will also include the Request ID Field.


Type: string
Required: True
Description: The URL to send the request.