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Web Server Writer


Expose the result of the pipeline on an HTTP server.


The Web Server module starts an HTTP server that sends the result of the pipeline back as a JSON object.

Module Options


Type: string
Required: False
Description: The API Key value to be checked for on incoming requests.

Enable API Key Security

Type: boolean
Required: True
Default Value: false
Description: Turns on request authorization using API Key. This will require that a value be provided for the API Key field and will also require any incoming requests provide an x-api-key value that matches the API Key field.


x-api-key: abcdefg1234567

Enable OAuth Security

Type: boolean
Required: True
Default Value: false
Description: Turns on request authorization using OAUTH. This will require that a valid signed token be passed in the Authorization header.


Authorization: Bearer <your_token_here>

The token must be signed using the HMACSHA256 algorithm with the client secret as the key.

Enable Websockets

Type: boolean
Required: True
Default Value: false
Description: Enable websockets for live data updates

OAuth Client ID

Type: string
Required: False
Description: The client id associated with this application. It is usually provided by the OAuth provider.

OAuth Client Secret

Type: password
Required: False
Description: The client secret used for signing tokens. This is usually provided by the OAuth provider and should not be shared.


Type: string
Required: True
Default Value: /data
Description: The path portion of the URL to server data on. For example, if your path is /data, and the port is 8080, then you could access the the data by sending a GET request to http://{YOUR_SERVER_IP}:8080/data

Listen Port

Type: integer
Required: True
Default Value: 8000
Minumum: 80
Description: The port to listen to HTTP requests on